School transport


School Transport

Route 1, Bus 1

Bus stops in direction from Sofia to Bankya:

07:05 - departure from 26 Todor Alexandrov Blvd. (Head Office of ProCredit Bank);

07:35 1st stop - 265 Okolovrasten Pat Street (in front of the Technopolis store);

07:50 3rd stop - Borovo District, Ladoga Street in front of block 222B;

08:45 - arrival at Denis Diderot School.

Bus stops in direction from Bankya to Sofia:

16:35 - departure from Denis Diderot School;

17:25 2nd stop - Borovo District, Ladoga Street in front of block 222B;

17:40 4th stop - 265 Okolovrasten Pat Street (in front of the Technopolis store);

18:20 - arrival at 26 Todor Alexandrov Blvd. (Head Office of ProCredit Bank).

Route 1, Bus 2

Bus stops in direction from Sofia to Bankya:

07:05 - departure from 26 Todor Alexandrov Blvd. (Head Office of ProCredit Bank);

07:35 2nd stop - Okolovrasten Pat Street, the bus stop of bus №111, after the roundabout near Dragalevtsi (next to Lidl store);

07:50 3rd stop - Borovo District, Ladoga Street in front of block 222B;

08:15 4th stop - Gorna Banya District, Okolovrasten Pat Street, the bus stop of bus №111 (near Gorna Banya Subway Station);

08:50 - arrival at Denis Diderot School.

Bus stops in direction from Bankya to Sofia:

16:35 - departure from Denis Diderot School;

1st stop - Gorna Banya District, Okolovrasten Pat Street, the bus stop of bus №111 (near Gorna Banya Subway Station);

17:25 2nd stop - Borovo District, Ladoga Street in front of block 222B;

3rd stop - Okolovrasten Pat Street, the bus stop of bus №111, after the roundabout near Dragalevtsi (next to Lidl store);

18:20 - arrival at 26 Todor Alexandrov Blvd. (Head Office of ProCredit Bank).

Route 2, Bus 1

Bus stops in direction from Sofia to Bankya:

07:05 - departure from 26 Todor Alexandrov Blvd. (Head Office of ProCredit Bank);

07:30 1st stop - 4 Samokov Blvd., behind block 6;

07:45 2nd stop - 80 Evlogi i Hristo Georgievi Blvd. (after Mizia streеt);

07:55 3rd stop - 307 Slivnitsa Blvd. (after the roundabout at Stochna Gara);

08:25 6th stop - before the roundabout of Bankya, coming on the new road from Lyulin;

08:50 - arrival at Denis Diderot School.

Bus stops in direction from Bankya to Sofia:

16:35 - departure from Denis Diderot School;

16:50 1st stop - before the roundabout of Bankya, coming on the new road from Lyulin;

17:30 4th stop - Slivnitsa Blvd., between Lukoil gas station and Emergency medical care;

17:45 5th stop - 171 Evlogi i Hristo Georgievi Blvd. (before Varbitsa streеt);

18:05 6th stop - 4 Samokov Blvd., behind block 6;

18:30 - arrival at 26 Todor Alexandrov Blvd. (Head Office of ProCredit Bank).

Route 2, Bus 2

Bus stops in direction from Sofia to Bankya:

08:05 4th stop - 26 Todor Alexandrov Blvd. (Head Office of ProCredit Bank);

8:45 - arrival at Denis Diderot School.

Bus stops in direction from Bankya to Sofia:

16:35 - departure from Denis Diderot School;

17:15 3rd stop - 26 Todor Alexandrov Blvd. (Head Office of ProCredit Bank);

Route 2, Bus 3

Bus stops in direction from Sofia to Bankya:

08:05 - departure from 26 Todor Alexandrov Blvd. (Head Office of ProCredit Bank);

08:20 5th stop - 28 Suhodolska Street (Fakulteta District, before railway crossing);

08:50 - arrival at Denis Diderot School.

Bus stops in direction from Bankya to Sofia:

16:35 - departure from Denis Diderot School;

17:05 2nd stop - 28 Suhodolska Street (Fakulteta District, before railway crossing);

17:20 - arrival at 26 Todor Alexandrov Blvd. (Head Office of ProCredit Bank).

Route 3

Bus stops in direction from Sofia to Bankya:

07:50 1st stop –  26 Todor Alexandrov Blvd. (Head Office of ProCredit Bank);

08:05 2nd stop – Nadezhda District, 121 Lomsko Shosse Blvd. (the parking lot between Ilindensko Vastanie Street and Georges Danton Street);  

08:20 3rd stop – Lyulin District, "Pancho Vladigerov" Blvd. (Shell gas station); 

08:45 – arrival at Denis Diderot School.


Bus stops in direction from Bankya to Sofia:

16:35 – departure from Denis Diderot School;

16:55 1st stop – Lyulin District, 79 B  "Pancho Vladigerov" Blvd. (EKO gas station) 

17:10 2nd stop – Nadezhda District, 121 Lomsko Shosse Blvd. (the parking lot between Ilindensko Vastanie Street and Georges Danton Street);  

17:30 3rd stop - 26 Todor Alexandrov Blvd. (Head Office of ProCredit Bank).

Contact with the bus driver on Route 1, Bus 1: 0878 507 601

Contact with the bus driver on Route 1, Bus 2: 0878 229 510

Contact with the bus driver on Route 2, Bus 1: 0878 507 600

Contact with the bus driver on Route 2, Bus 2: 0878 122 138

Contact with the bus driver on Route 2, Bus 3: 0877 262 195

Contact with the bus driver on Route 3: 0878 445 927

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